This is just a story about my bittersweet. No interest? Just close this page!

New Begining

As the title was written
This is our new begining

For the first time, my doubt seemed to be dissappear
For the first time, a word Yes is spoken
He showed his courage
a new experience made him nervous
I know it cause his voice
His shamefaced is always pictured

such a nice date :)

New Place, New Experience

Today is his grandpa's birthday
He invited me to the party
and here's it
Hello pakam...
So much effort that u've done
So when u late, I didn't mind it
although being honest, It's really tired of waiting
But after all, I'm happy :)

PS : Thanks for bringing me to the beach...
       Thanks for the bibble...

Much Stronger

I dunno this is a good news or bad news
Their Visa is success
She will go to there for one year or more maybe
I've put my trust on God before
Whatever the result is, It's the best way for me
But How I feel now is that I'm not as strong as I think I'll be
Can I just give up on you Lord?
I know that My life is much better than before now
But how much tears again that I can hold on everynight
I can laugh everyday to show I'm strong
yeah... I'm stronger now

Another Craziness

Today is Bobby Riandy's birthday
Our Crazy 2011's arch senior

But he's really got an unplanned surprise
So it's a really messy surprise ever
He became FOREVER ALONE at pizza hut a first because of four of us
We lied to him that we couldn't come
We really like autisers just now
But The most important point is


The Shapeless Cake

Me and Victoria

Wenny and Dessy

@ Pizza Hut

Under the Rain

It had been so long that I haven't been under the rain
all of us are wet
It feels like Today is a brand new day for me
LOL !!
I don't know 
But I just feel lucky that I've some friends like them, some friend that want to do some crazy thing together
Playing basketball with others under the rain is like .....
I just fell like hmm "this is a life" that I dream of
Porsitek is coming next monday
Wish me luck for the basketball match

ps : If only she can be here just now


I just come back from Taman Jubelium, Sibolangit
yeah... We went there for the Gathering Day by kmb USU
At first, I had no spirit at all for join this kind of event
you know why? We may not bring our mobile
I just can't imagine how's life without mobile even just for one day
And It was held for 2 days 1 night
but It wasn't as bad as I think
one word for our event
All of us is having fun together there
It's a lot of games there
We were having fun ALL DAY
we were all got trick by committee for the main event "The Firework Party" for those who got birthday
And the most exciting is the WATERTRACKING
But we became the last group for it
and the most pity group ( Bcause It's rainning, and we got no water for bathing at last )


FT Island


Our yel-yel discussion
15 minutes to go
But last 1 minute idea

here's the result
with Our "GALAU" song

Our PJ, ko steph  ( Our Tarzan on watertrack )
we're sorry for ever bullying you ! Hahaha...
Stay Funny !!!

PS : will miss you all...

Messy Feeling

I think it's the happiest moment that girl all over the world are waiting for..
But why all I feel just a FEAR
I dunno what I'm feeling now
He just telling me his feeling
Answering all my big question all this time
But if I feel the same way, we mustn't be together right?

ps : sometimes the best way to get close to someone that you love is being just a friend
so you've known my answer already right =)
So sorry for making today become the "worst" birthday u've ever had

Just The Same

I dunno what I feel now
So sick inside
Thanks for just making me one of YOUR CHOICE
Can I mad at you ?
Must I mad at you ?
Should I mad at you?
I think NO
The one who's wrong is ME !
I'm too glad of everything you've done to me before
I'm too fool for thinking that YOU'RE SERIOUS
I've known that you always say those kind of words to every girl
But I always convince myself that YOU'RE NOT
now I realize...
Everything I do... Everything I feel... It's hurting me now

PS : All boys are the same =)

It's Over

Pmb is over
one step closer to a new uni's life...

First of all I wanna thanks to God
He let me know a friend
She is so perfect in my eyes
She is #missallcando
and by meeting his daddy, I just know There's still a kind person in this world
A big THANKS for her and her daddy
But I dunno why I'm worrying something

Unidentified Surprise

I haven't seen "ci vivi" mad like that before
She said that She is scolded by our boss
They started on work 1 pm yesterday, It's the reason why she is scolded
It's a big question for me and ci debby at first
Bcause only both of us know that they worked only halfday
Thing that both of us afraid of is WE ARE THE SUSPECTED
Afraid of being accused "KOMPOR" 
at last "bang bokir" is became our suspected too
because He was here yesterday 

You know what???
The thing above JUST A DRAMA 
Ci vivi is doing a drama to give a surprise for ci ivy's birthday
She did it because of "ko rischi" idea
the result is "Ci Ivy cry and cry for half day till she goes home and she didn't say anything with us.. She just keep quiet"
HAHAHA... But It is the new wonderful cheerful experience I've ever
Tomorrow is my last day working here
If I just can stop the time 

Ci Vivi, Ci Ivy, Ci Debby, Josh and Ko Rischi
We had shared our laughter here (espesially today,except ci ivy I think, She is crying today, maybe tomorrow she can laugh again.. hahaha)
thanks for everything

PS : Ko Rischi is Ci Vivi's guest from Jakarta.. A funny crowded guy.. He just so FUNNY! He is back to Jakarta today. Safe flight ko..Maybe we'll meet again someday

PMB is Coming

want to know more about this
check this out !!

Morning Fellas

He picked me up
Just to had breakfast together
He shouted out my name 
But the one who's enthusiastic to go out is my granny
For the first time She saw a boy picking me out
I feel arghhh.... shame on me...
anyway thanks

PS : He is just a friend =)

New Experience

Today is the day of the medical check
It's a duty from my lecture
I dont afraid of it all except the "BLOOD CHECK"
And just now, I'm really close to the word FAINT
yeah.. I dunno how the "fake doctor" taking my blood
She took it twice and the result is there're two scar of injection now and It made my hand bruised. I called it "OCHE"
It's the first time I did that kind of checkup
It was really made me sweat out, no more strength just in a second
Praise the Lord that just in 10 minutes sitting and doing nothing, I feel better and could do my next checkup
and everything is done according to the plans
ahhhh... Finally one more step closer to there~
Thanks God for making All running well

Stucking in different path

Why dont you just support my decision??
It's my future
You just didn't know how I've been through in this 1 year
I know that you love me...
I know that you care of me...
I know that you think about me...
But It's my road, my passion
I've tried hard to love this subs, But the more I try, The more I got it nonsense
It's even harder and harder now
So sorry that I've made you disappointed
So sorry for my temporary spirit of making It works
I just dont wanna regret for the second time

About Job...
I believe that God will show me the way
I know that you worried about this for me too
Yeah telling the truth It's hard for me to quit from this job now
Here is the most enjoyable place with the most wise and kind boss, the most friendly workmates that I've been

Blessing Day


EURO's Fruit Cake

It's the first time I celebrate my workmate's birthday
She is a mother of her son
But She is like a sister to me
She has taught me a lot of thing, everything
I'm too damn HAPPY of getting a work here
All person around me here is TOO KIND
It's really hard to let myself quit on this job
But It is a MUST =')

Behind a Mess

We start to texting each other like usual
Her mobile is back (she got a new one)
I've forgot the thing that had been pass 
I've taken the positive side
The good point is I passed the test with my own skill and my own workhard
She still my bestie whatever it is
Although her bestie is not only me

Another Story...
He ask me going to *someplace* with them
"Why don't you just ask another person except me?"
He said that he just wanna ask me, only
I dont know what it's mean
Dont  think too much, valen
He just want to be your BESTfriend
He care with all girl


I'm feeling weird now
I've decided dont wanna care too much about her again
Is it me the one who think that she had changed ?
But just now, my brain just got too curious about her
I opened up her story
There're two or three posts that made me feeling sad or I dunno what
I'm sure she is facing a real down feeling
I realized that deep inside my heart, I still care about her


Sing Your Mind

After 3 months I didn't "touch" my audition's char, I miss it now.. So I've patched it. It's a song that make me interested. The Music sounds good, and so do the lyrics. Here's the lyrics, by SHERINA

Many times you don’t realize the spirit within you
Can spread like fire to everyone around you
Don’t u wait for a second chance you gotta use the time
To see countless faces like in use the little smile

Unlock your power reveal what u can really do
No more running away  today go fight your way

And sing your mind out
Sing without doubt
Let me hear your voice
I wanna hear what do you say
Sing your mind out

In this time you then realize  the strenght you’ve had all along
Like the star shining  in the sky glowing for everyone around you
Don’t you wait don’t you hesitate you gotta use the time
To see countless faces like in use the little smile
Say you lie even just for awhile

Unwanted Candy

He took me home...

But WAIT !
Who's that in front of my house ?
That person is familiar to me
that stalker again
He ruined my mood at the moment
It messed my mind
I droped out the car
Forget to say thanks and goodbye with them
He gave me a plastic of Candy
He tried to talk to me
But I left him behind
SORRY but I can't talk to you, Mr. Stalker
But THANKS for the candy

Too Scared

"You look beautiful last night"

the words is too sweet for me...

Please stop making me put a hope on you
Please stop making me feel that I'm special
I'm too scared to fall

Who is She ?

That Girl Take My "PARIS" picture
She put it on her pp
but who is she?
How can she get that pic even she's not in my contact :s

Crazy or WHAT ?

03.00 AM
He came to Medan?
Is it true?
What is his purpose doing that kind of crazy thing?
came to Medan just to eat?
I just dont want to believe that he's doing that all just for me
he isn't SERIOUS, valen !!


I can do the most stupid thing by BELIEVING IT !!
Dont play with all that kind of words , please !!

Just a Play

You put that handmade's pic on your pp
But It's no problem
But your stat
Just dont make someone fly if don't mean it

PS : he just play with you,valen

Believe or Not

Another Good Words
You said It's serious
I just cant believe
too afraid to believe
too foolish to believe
you're just kidding, I know =)

A Promise

You've promised me !

She has made a promise
02.00 pm : She's going to hospital
03.00 pm : She will come
04.00 pm : There,s no news at all
05.00 pm : Still no news
06.00 pm : She will come after watching
07.00 pm : She will come after eating
07.30 pm : It's raining.. hoping She still want to come...
08.00 pm : Her mom doesn't let her come

No Problem.....

Let me FIGHTing alone =)

You Came ?

you came to my uni
with ur cousin
ask for having food together 
It was really surprise me for a while
It's time to go home
You forced me to took a photo with you
The End...

Nice to meet you


Your words sound good to believe
But I know It's Just a Kidding
Just stop it, can you?

Her Birthday Surprise

Fera's birthday is actually on 5th July

But Me + Lena decided to give a surprise today
Here we are, doing some crazy thing
It's raining outside
We still try to make it special
Buying her a cake
It's just a little small cake
with 19th candle on it
Going to her house without a raincoat
We waited her in front of stranger's home
Borrowing a lighter from a stranger
I still wearing a foolish coat + helmet
and so do Lena
I was lifting that cake with a light on the candle
Lena tried to foolish her with her motorcycle's reason
She came with her messy clothes and hairs with an umbrella
Do some "birthday's ritual" in front of STRANGER's house 
Is there any other crazy thing that we can do ?

One more times... Happy Birthday Bestie =)

Stalker (Again)

I just went home
He texted me that He was in front of my home (AGAIN!)

He gave me a packet of JCo's food and drink

Morning Try

Waking up in the morning
Craving for something spicy
But there's no food except plain rice

Then I did some experiment
So here it is...

Although the taste is quite "weird"
at least It's spicy and can make my stomach saved from starving


You've been on my contact so long
I dont know since when and how that we're starting chating everyday
Just one word describe you, FUNNY

Little Gifts

My auntie is back from Thai
It's a surprise that she gave me some souvenirs
Happy Happy Happy =))

one is a "cross" necklace
(why she know that I like all things about Cross)
another one is a mobilechains

one thing that make it so spesial is, that's my birthdate on it 

End or Begining

Is it the end of world ?
Hell NO
this is just a NEW BEGINING
You're FREE now

Just live in your past
I have my own future

Bad Boy

Just wanna share a little thing today
This is a little boy who stay at the same house with me
Cute right?
The answer is NO.. 
Cause sometimes He's so annoying !

Uncertain Valentine


But why I feel so empty now
One Teddy more is added to my collection
One Rose is lying on my bed
One box of gift, actually  It is my WANTED stuff

No more heartbeat, It's hard to smile but It is A MUST 
You're the one who make me feeling this way