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Her Birthday Surprise

Fera's birthday is actually on 5th July

But Me + Lena decided to give a surprise today
Here we are, doing some crazy thing
It's raining outside
We still try to make it special
Buying her a cake
It's just a little small cake
with 19th candle on it
Going to her house without a raincoat
We waited her in front of stranger's home
Borrowing a lighter from a stranger
I still wearing a foolish coat + helmet
and so do Lena
I was lifting that cake with a light on the candle
Lena tried to foolish her with her motorcycle's reason
She came with her messy clothes and hairs with an umbrella
Do some "birthday's ritual" in front of STRANGER's house 
Is there any other crazy thing that we can do ?

One more times... Happy Birthday Bestie =)