This is just a story about my bittersweet. No interest? Just close this page!

Messy Feeling

I think it's the happiest moment that girl all over the world are waiting for..
But why all I feel just a FEAR
I dunno what I'm feeling now
He just telling me his feeling
Answering all my big question all this time
But if I feel the same way, we mustn't be together right?

ps : sometimes the best way to get close to someone that you love is being just a friend
so you've known my answer already right =)
So sorry for making today become the "worst" birthday u've ever had

Just The Same

I dunno what I feel now
So sick inside
Thanks for just making me one of YOUR CHOICE
Can I mad at you ?
Must I mad at you ?
Should I mad at you?
I think NO
The one who's wrong is ME !
I'm too glad of everything you've done to me before
I'm too fool for thinking that YOU'RE SERIOUS
I've known that you always say those kind of words to every girl
But I always convince myself that YOU'RE NOT
now I realize...
Everything I do... Everything I feel... It's hurting me now

PS : All boys are the same =)

It's Over

Pmb is over
one step closer to a new uni's life...

First of all I wanna thanks to God
He let me know a friend
She is so perfect in my eyes
She is #missallcando
and by meeting his daddy, I just know There's still a kind person in this world
A big THANKS for her and her daddy
But I dunno why I'm worrying something